Reviews of TV shows, films, music, video games and anything else worth mentioning

Monday 27 September 2010

Lucky 13 Challenge

As a member of the Student Blogger Alliance, this little slice of teenage, Myspace nostalgia has been set up not really sure but hey, sharing is caring right? So yes, here are 13 facts about myself

1. My house was designed and built by my dad, took 18 months to complete and has 27 sides if my childish sketch of my house is to be taken at face value.

2. I have to brothers and are each seperated by 2 years e.g 21, 19, 17

3. I consider punk rock to be my favourite genre of music

4. I sometimes find myself being able to find too much time to play video games and not enough for work

5. Even though on a journalism course and desire to be a writer, im still not sure what to do with myself after university

6. Love reading, but since attending university i have banished it to the confides of my toilet. However it didnt stop me reading in the area of 12 books last year majoritily on the throne (September 2009 - September 2010)

7. Play a Schecter C-1 Hellraiser electric guitar through a Zoom G-9.2tt effect pedal and Klynstrom amplifier

8. Was a member of Scouts from 5-18 and proud of it

9. Out of every film ever made, my personal favourite is The Blues Brothers movie. Nothing can surpass its comically perfect acting from Dan Akroyd and John Belushi or beat the top notch rhythm and blues tunes.

10. Dislike the majority of electronic music in most of its forms.

11. Really, really suck at Fifa and other sports games. Too many button combinations.

12. Consider seeing Rancid in November 2008 the best gig of my life.

13. The idea of travelling around the world doesnt appeal to me. Im quite fond of England. I have no problem with going on holiday, but spending months travelling around foreign and exotic countries just dont do it for me.

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