Reviews of TV shows, films, music, video games and anything else worth mentioning

Thursday 7 February 2013

X Sucks - How Mircosoft threatens it's console legacy

Fuelled by the lack of any next generation console news in 2012 (no Wii U, you don’t count), 2013 has been rife with rumours, whispers and murmurs regarding the highly anticipated successors to the Xbox 360 and Playstation 4. Yet despite juicy tidbits such as the prophesised PS4 specs and potential hardware additions to improve Xbox’s Kinect peripheral, one topic disappointingly has broached the rumour mill of both consoles, the rumour of one time activation codes for games.

Speculation regarding one time use of gamers on the next generation of consoles isn’t a new topic to enter the fray in the next generation console debate. Mentions of one time activations have been milling around for years however, as with Edge magazines most recent unveiling of new integrated technology that will provide such a service to game developers from sources with “first hand experience” of the new console.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Reasons Why I Hate

Desirable Mantra
Society loves a bandwagon. Nothing like getting in a furore of moral indignation for a cause that cuts to the core of a persons sensibilities. The internet has to be the biggest tool in upstanding citizens shed in preaching the deplorable actions of a few against those who have suffered.
Most recently this has been seen in the case of Amanda Todd, a Canadian teenager who took her life after years of sustained bullying against her character after a single indiscretion to a stranger online came to haunt her.

Suicides are never the happiest of topics at the best of times, let alone including a young girl in the mix. The story of Amanda Todd has received massive attention in North America as a by-product youths out of control.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Career Opportunities

So, you know when banking institutions gamble and lose their money, only to grovel to their pet buddies in government to get every Tom, Dick and Harry taxpayer to help get them back on their feet, made ever more honest and genuine by threats to up sticks and take their business to some other economy that would treat friends like that or when labour intensive companies that cut thousands of jobs in the name of cost efficiency and smart spending, people get outraged?
Why wouldn’t they? What majority percentage of a population enjoys having their hard earned cash going to a minority who consider themselves above the law and legislation of government because of the services they provide, ballsing up more often than not, yet somehow indispensably necessary to the day to day function of our nation.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Trials Evolution Review

Nothing says adventure like a midnight dash across ancient ruins
Sequels are like superheroes, only appearing when the night is darkest; when all good in the world is obstruct by those who would rather us live in perpetual fear of banality. They are not the games we need, they are the games we deserve.
More often than not, the sequels we encounter are the ones we need, the ones that fund the industry. Observe the annual sprawl of Call of Duty titles. These games meet our basic needs. Short-term entertainment till the guaranteed next cash injection arrives.
Yet once in a while, a sequel emerges that we deserve, a sequel of such magnitude and genius that we can’t all but welcome its arrival with a bent knee and an oath of fealty.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

SOPA vs The Internet

Today is a pretty apt day to write about this subject. On January 18th 2012, the internet is making a stand, a final stand, against a bill looking to get passed through the US congress, brought into existence with the express purpose of censoring everything people know, love and take for granted on the internet.

The Stop Online Piracy Act was introduced to the House of Representatives as a means of tackling the growing and leeching problem of piracy over the internet from sources outside of US jurisdiction.

If passed on January 24th, SOPA will essentially grant a dozen US corporations control over the internet so their profit margins take less of a hit. Under SOPA, US ISP’s will be forced to enact DNS (Domain Name System) blocking, the same tactic used by Iran and China to censor their people.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Dexter Season 6 - Those Kind Of Things Review

As autumn approaches and the days shorten, foliage flutters to the ground and temperatures creep lower and lower day by day, we can rejoice as this bleak time of year marks the beginning of new episodes of all our favourite TV series stateside.

Whilst a few have had me bouncing around like a Yorkshire terrier on hearing Pedigree being opened, waiting for one particular series to air again has kept me so eager, so agitated, so anticipated that with its sixth season hitting the screens next week, has brought music to my ears. Of course, I’m talking about Dexter, every-ones favourite serial killer.
This series promises to bring a big bang as opposed to the gentle drone that was last years series. Having found solace one year after cavorting with revenge driven Lumen Pierce, Dexter has now fallen back into his old habits, the kind that earn you the chair.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Bethesda vs Minecraft: Clash of the Titans

Big companies are regularly portrayed as archetype bully figures. They have the power and clout to make all beneath them tremble with fear at their demands. But just like David was to Goliath, independent game developer Markus ‘Notch’ Persson is standing up to Bethesda’s lawyers over the case of his next projects title.